
Templates and Examples

We've created eight templates to get you started quickly. You can select your preferred template or modify each to create your own Accordion. It's dead simple to take these ready-to-use HTML template, just grab the code and drop it (included in the download) in your project or web site. We regularly add new examples to this list. You may follow us on Twitter, or join our Facebook to get notified about new templates and updates.

Vertical Tabs Vertical Accordion

Vertical Accordion

Tab Sizes Horizontal to Vertical

Horizontal to Vertical

Orientations and positioning Accordion Slider

Accordion Slider

Animation Accordion Navigation Menu

Accordion Navigation Menu

Deep-Linking FAQ Accordion

FAQ Accordion

Responsive and Mobile Tabs Accordion Slider with Spacing

Accordion Slider with Spacing

Nested and Multiple Instances Nested and Multiple Instances

Nested and Multiple Instances

Vertical Tabs Vertical with Spacing

Vertical with Spacing